Anabela Tasevska

Hello there! I’m Anabela, and I’m on a colorful mission to bring stories to life through the magic of illustration.

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The illustrations for this project were created for a personal story that is currently in its developmental stages. The story explores the budding friendship between a solitary forest spirit named Clark and a talking stump named Bark.

I created these illustrations to capture ordinary moments within a close-knit family.
Whether it’s a mundane Monday morning studying cursive with Miss Witlock or a cozy autumn afternoon in the drawing room, listening to music with Dad.
I aim to preserve the charm and warmth found in life’s everyday moments.

The illustrations for this project were created for an e-book centered around mindfulness and embracing the present moment, one step at a time. The narrative follows the main character, Laurel, on her journey of self-discovery as she assists her forest friends with their own challenges.

These illustrations were created for a learning program developed by Stanford University students. The program called StoryLab Science, aims to engage children through personalized approaches that align with their hobbies and interests.

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